Why does my dog listen to me but not others. Jan 29, 2023 · Your Dog has a Health Issue.

At 7 months you should be "training" them to slowly come off their reliance on treats. Distraction goes back to a dog that doesn't have adequate training. Being a rascal. Don’t talk. 12. When I call my dog or ask him to get off Apr 22, 2024 · That means the way they perceive your voice is different —a dog may see you as their protector, while a cat is happy to ignore you and groom itself. Reward short duration, low-effort behaviors. Jan 11, 2023 · Reward, Reward, Reward. Aug 30, 2022 · Why does a dog only listen to one person? This is because the dog sees that just one person if correcting them, enforcing the commands, doing all the pack leadership things that are built into the training, etc. A sudden change in behavior like acting distant is typically an important-enough reason for you to take the dog to the vet. Nov 3, 2020 · Well when your dog was a puppy, you may have asked for a sit before you put his food down or you may have asked for a “watch me” and a “this way” when you saw an off-lead dog. May 20, 2023 · 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Isn’t Listening to You. 5 ​Your dog is over-stimulated. Noise, banging around, children playing, different smells and other dogs are counterproductive to success. To increase your success, start slow and keep expectations low to begin with. Train your dog on the seven basic commands: sit. Dec 22, 2020 · Trust me, a dog who lets you know they’re upset by growling is doing you a favor. Pick a command that you want your dog to respond to and follow a good training guide. Rewarding them when they do listen, on the other hand, is the surest fire way of getting them to keep doing more of the same. Teach your dog to look at you when you say their name, and heavily reward them for making eye contact. It can be a lot to take in, but dogs may listen more to other people because they’re scared of what might happen if they don’t. A lack of focus refers to your dog losing engagement and attention on you, because they find the outside stimuli of squirrels, passing people, sights, sounds, etc. Being spiteful. Aug 10, 2020 · Listen, I hate thinking of rewards as paychecks. Feb 6, 2023 · How to train a disobedient dog. You haven’t trained the Sep 12, 2017 · This is a VERY common struggle for many dog owners. It may be that the person you’re talking to just isn’t in the mood. May 16, 2024 · Lack of Training. But there is no doubt the analogy is strong one. “He doesn’t do something unless he wants to. Some dogs may be naturally drawn to the person who shares Jun 13, 2023 · If you’re questioning “is my iPhone recording me” or “is Siri always listening,” you’re best to at least know how to turn off your microphone on an iPhone. Typically a dog ignoring you outside is not a medical issue but a training and behavioral Apr 21, 2023 · When a dog is not listening, most people think there is a failure in training. May 25, 2020 · Step 1: First, select a new word for the behavior. For example if I call his name, he does not respond. Use Variability and Give Extra Treats for Big Achievements. That isn’t all bad, though! It’s just a matter of your dog paying This will take a considerable investment of your time and patience but it will be worth it. If your dog is ignoring your commands but usually doesn’t, make sure to rule out any medical issues. 1 meal. Nothing hurts like your dog not taking your calls Dec 29, 2023 · It's like navigating a playful puzzle; in this guide, we're here to unravel why your dog might not be picking up on your cues. “Allow Siri When Locked”. So, what we immediately begin doing is asking them questions to see “why” the dynamic of your relationship is the way it is. We want focus, but it Oct 19, 2022 · If a dog seems nervous around you, that's not a great sign either. One of the most important Jun 17, 2021 · Contents hide. Give her plenty of opportunities to sniff and get her bearings. Instead, hide the treats in your pocket or Sep 6, 2016 · Once your dog can pay attention to your commands with some distractions around her, you can gradually expand her walks to include parts of your neighborhood or times of the day with more distractions. down. Think about it: every time you head to the kitchen, there might be a little treat in it for them. Jul 24, 2011 · Dogs are equipped with sensitive ears and are extraordinarily capable of detecting such tones. Your dog is just scared. Lack of Mental and Physical Stimulation. Your dog should understand exactly what you mean when you say “sit. Dec 7, 2023 · The goal is to teach your dog to obey your commands without showing it treats beforehand. There are scads of reasons your dog isn’t listening to you, but we’ve compiled some of the most common to give you a good place to start. This memory can cause your dog to misbehave or not respond to his name. Punishing your dog when they don’t listen won’t make your dog listen more. Now I’ve had my puppy for about 3 months, I got him when he was 2 months and he has been with me every second since I got him (I take him literally everywhere I go) he used to listen to me but he’s gotten to the point where he will not listen to me whatsoever when other people are around. If you’re teaching him to stay, for Jun 20, 2024 · Tip 3: The Quiet Environment Matters It is also important to do the exercises with your dog in a quiet place. Dec 22, 2021 · The answer could be as simple as: your dog is too distracted. Generally, this dynamic among owners and the dog has The dog is fearful – Strong emotions always get in the way of cognitive processing. They perceive the female voice as less firm when compared to a man’s. So they want to be with you because they want to feel safe. On the other hand, most women have high-pitched voices. As a pack animal, your dog wants to be close to the leader of the pack; you. The Role of Trust and Bonding. when he is terrified of anything, and do not force a position especially! If the fear is an ongoing thing of something that is a regular occurrence, seek training help to start a counter-conditioning and desensitizing program. I like to instead create work that is a “paycheck” in itself. “My dog doesn’t listen to me. She cues “sit!” -> dog sits, and gets a reward. It is common for people to humanize their dogs, after all you love your dog and consider him or her a part of your family. Dec 20, 2023 · Additionally, if other family members inadvertently reward bad behavior or punish good behavior, your dog may learn to avoid them and only listen to you. Tip 4: Praise, Praise, and More Praise Of course, this may sound excessive at first. Don’t stress over perfect leash manners, or even getting her attention. It’s important to keep in mind your dog is NOT: Being stubborn. The simple fix is showing your dog that when you say sit whether it’s indoors or outside it means the same behavior. Often, it’s because a behavior simply hasn’t been rewarded enough. It could be that they are not well-trained, they are distracted, or they are trying to tell you something. Jan 29, 2023 · Your Dog has a Health Issue. Her passion lies in helping dogs overcome hurdles, both small & large. Dec 10, 2012 · Don't ask your dog to sit, stay etc. Here are five guidelines for you to try: 1. It can be frustrating when your dog doesn’t follow cues or come when called. If your dog is feeling anxiety from a change in family routine or a new family pet, you may need to give it some time to get used to the circumstances before they are ready to resume following orders. Your dog will be confused if you tell him to “ sit ” one day, “ go down ” the next, and “ sit down ” the third. 2 Your words and your body language aren’t agreeing. It takes lots and lots of repetition and reward for your dog to understand a behavior enough to do it anywhere, anytime — especially outside the home. Apr 11, 2022 · Then, follow up with body movements and gestures. Wait. While your dog may ace all commands at home, the same cannot be said for new environments especially with distractions (Dog beaches and off lead parks for example). Probably never has. Dog training comes down to one simple principle: The behavior that is rewarded gets repeated. Keeping them engaged and motivated can Jul 3, 2024 · Dogs are pack animals. “My dog is stubborn. To help you solve the problem, you should do a few things. Dogs may be simple, but they are perceptive. Don’t approach Aug 30, 2017 · kaelin talks about the most common mistakes dog owners make, why dogs don’t listen to their owners, and how you can fix it! follow my other videos here: http There could be many reasons why your dog suddenly is not listening to you. Perhaps not out of pleasure, but a bit out of intimidation. If you are concerned about your dog’s behavior, it is always best to consult with a professional. Many dog owners find that their dog listens well indoors, but forgets all of their dog training when leaving the house for a walk or a trip. Sometimes, this person is the primary caregiver who feeds, walks, and plays with the dog. In your training, it is important to build up to populated areas by increasing the level of distraction while training. Alternatively, you could simply have taken the time to train your dog properly while others have not. In response, owners may have a knee-jerk reaction of correcting the dog for not listening, or keeping the dog on shorter leads and corrective collars to maintain control. This comes down to a combination of the meaning the dog assigns Aug 30, 2023 · Dogs are smart animals and will often single out one person to follow, sometimes even to the exclusion of others. Dec 21, 2023 · Take a deep breath and remember your dog does not yet understand or has not generalized the behavior you want. The person doesn’t matter, but it is the bond that is going to signal their importance to the dog (i. As with all dog training, being consistent is Jan 18, 2024 · Once your dog is tired out, it is much more likely to listen to your commands. In contrast, when he tells her “no” or “stop”she will listen to him and not “talk back” at all. You may have seen this behavior if you’ve ever see chimpanzees or gorillas at the zoo. The key to successful dog training is the five Ps – planning, prevention, prizes, proofing and patience. Feb 22, 2021 · Here are our top tips; 1. If treats are visible beforehand, he gets a reward 100% of the time. If your dog suddenly stops listening to you, it could be a sign that they are not getting enough mental and physical exercise. Jul 28, 2010 · Helin Jung. Oct 11, 2016 · If your dog doesn’t listen to you, it’s probably due to one of the following reasons. Accept it with thanks and start working on the real issue. They’re not in the right mindset. One of the main reasons your dog might be your constant companion is because you’ve unintentionally trained them to be. When the dog’s brain is overwhelmed with fear or anxiety, nothing else can function properly. Huskies have sensitive ears that can identify tones. And sometimes she stop but she will bark at me and grumble and then steal my house slippers. Feb 7, 2018 · A study completed by researchers from Kyoto University in Japan revealed that dogs respond to the way others treat their owner. If you call your dog to training while holding treats or displaying the treat bag, you're sending the wrong message. Similar to humans, aggression is a common symptom of CCD and is due in part to their confusion and memory loss. Be clear in your intentions and work as a team to overcome your communication challenges. It comes down to two things: A lack of focus and a lack of generalized understanding. Final Thoughts. This inconsistency can lead to confusion, anxiety, and frustration, causing him to only listen to you when he feels like it. Whenever you call your dog when he’s out playing, you’re ultimately sending him a signal telling him that his playtime has come to an end. Is your dog showing any worrying symptoms, such as acting lethargic, having difficulty moving Mar 9, 2022 · 5. Boredom can lead to destructive behavior and a lack of focus. Solution: Find a greater reward, something that stands a chance at holding your dog’s interest like pieces of ham or jerky treats. Allow her to become familiar with the environment. 4 ​Your dog doesn’t realize he can respond in that situation. Put some treats (say, 4) in each hand. Award. Aug 12, 2021 · 2. 6 Â. Check if there are apps on your phone that you don’t recognize. The more anger, the greater the inability to Jun 27, 2023 · As a dog owner, you may have noticed that your furry companion seems to listen to you better than anyone else. This energy makes them easily excited and distracted. Your dog might not be behaving like his usual self because he is experiencing some internal pain. When a dog is scared, “my dog doesn’t listen to me” is a common concern due to the overwhelming fear they experience. If you are trying to get your dog to listen but you are acting impatient, stressed-out, or angry, your dog will read your energy and respond by not listening. You are breaking the promise of the marker word. The study took 54 dogs and monitored their behavior with their owners and a helping person, non-helping person, and a neutral person. Bad thing is she does not respect him - she will listen if she thinks that is the most convenient choice, otherwise not (she won't trust his judgement and does not respect his decision if she doesn't agree with it). If you say it without rewarding. Review app permissions. Getting your stubborn dog listening isn’t the most Mar 7, 2023 · 2. But if we haven’t built a high Jul 11, 2024 · Create foundational success, and slowly add steps, making your dog do more to gain the reward. Try to rationalize things and remind yourself that other people’s behavior often has nothing to do with you. The dog simply can’t focus if there are too many distractions like noises, smells or other dogs. because of your bad vibes. Toggle off the following items: “Listen for ‘Hey Siri’”. Others get their feelings hurt and worry that their dog doesn’t love them. If your German Shepherd isn’t currently getting much exercise on a daily basis then it will likely cause it to become more hyperactive and less willing to listen to you. Use these 5 Ps to keep you on the right track. Some senior dogs may become more irritable in the evening if they have dog sundowners syndrome. Negative energy can be Your puppy is suddenly ignoring you because they’re fearful. First, you should go back to the basic commands every dog understands. Fear of the environment. They probably don’t feel safe in the presence of strangers or possible, your husband. As a result, some dogs are more likely to respond to a man. Mar 25, 2019 · Scenario 1: Mom (or dad) has treats in her hand. Even the most intelligent dog breeds aren’t mind readers! If two dogs are playing, they may growl at each other as a part of play. Greeting or play. In a case like this, the dog in question has been able to discriminate which parent to go to for what! Dogs, just like small children, don’t have the mental capacity to distinguish between Aug 10, 2016 · In dogs, pain often manifests as a reluctance to or a change in the way they interact with their owners. Lounge on the couch, and they get snuggles. This means that just because you taught your dog how to sit in the comfort of your living room does not mean that he clearly understands that when you say sit outside he has to put his rear to the floor and “sit”. It’s possible that he hasn’t completely mastered a skill or command. You make your dog feel safe: Dogs do not feel safe when they are alone. Fear can trigger a strong fight-or-flight response, making it challenging for the dog to focus on commands. And testing some boundaries. Apr 28, 2023 · The marker word is a promise. One of the most common reasons that a dog may not listen to you is simply because they haven’t been properly trained to listen to your commands. Serious, aggressive bites are usually quicker and more painful than those delivered during play. This happens between the 6-12 month stage. If some of them can access your microphone for no solid reason or if your iPhone camera turns on by itself, it’s a red flag. Another possibility is that your puppy is learning what they can get away with. With that being the case, it’s essential that you ensure that you Dogs listen to those they respect and trust - or fear. S/he doesn't listen to you because of anger. It’s usually not very obvious when your dog is in pain or discomfort, some can hide it pretty well. Then go back to the basics! Step 2: Ask a friend or family member to help out with the initial re-training stages. This works the same with your dog. Dogs often bark Jun 4, 2023 · 1. Feb 14, 2022 · Pinching or Grabbing Ears. Ignoring Basic Needs. Keyword being "training". This is probably the big one for most of us. . A better word is “YES”. ) via Shutterstock. When I say this word, it means what you just did was correct, and you get a reward. 2. Being disrespectful. You being right means she might have to give you an equal voice in the marriage and that’s not on. Let’s assume your dog loves being around your family member. Anger opens the mouth and closes the ears. Not only do Dog Knower Persons understand at least the basics of dog body language, but they also grasp the subtleties of meeting dogs that don’t know them. Mar 13, 2018 · Jillian Vogel, owner of Gulf Coast K9, apprenticed at K9 Connection in Buffalo, NY before opening Gulf Coast K9 in South Florida. This can be both a blessing and a curse, but it also begs the question: why does your dog only listen to you? Understanding the science behind canine behavior and the art of training can shed some light on this phenomenon. Mar 21, 2022 · If your dog will respond to their name when only certain people say it, but not others, this may be because they recognise a specific handler and their working methods, but another member of the family that is largely ignored or uses the dog’s name differently may not register. Distraction. May 30, 2015 · Small screens, compressed signals, and canine nature may all affect whether a dog can identify its owner on the phone or in a video chat. We can not expect a dog who is experiencing true panic to listen and respond to our cues. more intriguing. Scenario 2: No treats visible. “I want my dog to listen better. Don’t touch. But a reason why your Husky won’t listen to you is because of your tone and gender. Consistency between family members will be key in developing his habits. If hackles are raised and the dogs are stiff and staring at each other, a growl means “back off” and that it’s time to separate them. Hide The Treats. There are a few instances where a dog could have a bad connotation with the name it’s been given – dogs like this will often not want to answer to their name for reasons you might not have historical knowledge on. "Press Side button for Siri”. Then, run. How long depends on how much you train and bond with your dog. com A lack of exercise. Go Back To Basics. 3 Your dog doesn’t know you expect a consistent response. 1. May 4, 2009 · Well, the simple explanation is: One person is more consistent with teaching and rewarding what they want and/or punishing out what they don’t want. There are some factors outside of your control that could be causing people not to listen to you. Get back to basics and practice, practice, practice. We say good boy without rewarding the dog all the time. Instead of adverse methods, use treats, praise, and positive reinforcement to train your dog to pay attention and listen to you. '. Only when the pain becomes unbearable would they show you. May 23, 2018 · The Dog Knower Person truly loves dogs, but also understands them. The more we reward a behavior, the more likely it is to occur. 24. Aug 29, 2023 · Research gave me a couple of reasons why a dog might prefer one person over another in a family: The similarity of their temperaments. So, good thing is she's not scared of your husband. Lack of Training or Inconsistent Training: Mar 16, 2023 · 13 Reasons Your Dog Isn’t Listening to You. All these cues would have been given to ensure positive behaviour but sometimes this communication can steadily decline as your dog gets older and you may stop Apr 26, 2024 · 7. Let’s explore why that might be! Below is a list of 5 common reasons why your dog isn’t listening to you. Other times she will just look at me and then keep on doing the thing she’s not supposed to be doing. Communication and Body Language. May 16, 2022 · Common Misconceptions About Dogs Ignoring Commands. Dogs thrive on routine and clear, consistent communication. Dogs are intelligent animals and need mental and physical stimulation to thrive. Make two fists and place them on your knees. Now, there are several reasons your dog might suddenly be distracted, including but not limited to: Your dog isn’t getting enough exercise. In fact, other mammals use sustained eye contact for the same reason. Another reason could be that the dog interprets your call as an end to playtime. Why doesn’t my dog listen to me? Dogs may not listen for various reasons, such as communication differences, distractions, inconsistent training, or a lack of trust and respect. The dogs were more trusting of the helpful people who had positive interactions with 9. Sometimes your dog just doesn’t know what you want because you haven’t practiced enough. Mom cues “sit!” -> dogs sits, and gets nothing. Shutterstock. The dog is too distracted. Reinforced Behavior: Unconscious Rewards. Aug 11, 2017 · Believe it or not, but dogs are happiest when they’re well trained and know exactly what their owners want from them. It’s because the base attitude in her, and a lot of other women’s mind is that to maintain psychological control of a partner she HAS to be right and you have to be wrong. ” When tried in this order, the dog can eventually learn to respond to the word or cue on its own, with no hand gestures necessary. Finally, when Mar 15, 2022 · 9) Health Problems. ”. You could have established yourself as the pack’s leader, and your dog could view you as the alpha. Doing this makes the word more salient and the words predict the prompts that get the dog to do the desired behavior. This usually indicates that this person fulfills whatever the dog is looking for. e. Just like humans, each dog learns differently. Mar 2, 2018 · The Root of the Behavior. But you don’t have to go to the zoo. Influence of Breed and Temperament. Make sure the dog sees them and knows they're there. Train Your Dog In ALL Environments. What To Do If Your Dog Only Listens When You Yell. Get the dog to sit in front of you. Perhaps your dog is not listening to you because they respond better with physical cues like a hand gesture for the “sit” command. Like humans, dogs can display nervous ticks that come out when they're Keep the training up, and try to have another family member replicate your method so that they are consistent with the commands. May 13, 2021 · Practice With Your Puppy. So if you have any one of the dogs on this list, such as the Afghan Hound or the Chow Chow, you’ll be in for a rough time. Unlike dogs, cats aren’t perturbed by alone time away from their humans. Jul 9, 2023 · 2. Don’t worry, though. When you command them, they follow firmer tones. You Just Haven’t Trained Enough. Pay Attention to Your Dog’s Moods. Feb 5, 2024 · One common mistake dog owners make is inconsistency in their commands and expectations. At some point or another, most dog owners have issued that immortal phrase 'my dog growls at me. If necessary start from the beginning. Those are the only two scenarios the dog has ever seen. Reinforce verbal commands with physical cues. Playful mouthing is usually less painful than more serious, aggressive biting. Navigate to Settings > Siri & Search. Increase the chance that your dog will listen the first time by making sure you get their attention first. Dear Ethel, Ever since I met my boyfriend, my 5-year-old Pekingese seems to listen to him more than me. Health Issue 3: While discussing Gracie’s history, the owners told the veterinarian that Gracie had also been pacing at night and occasionally seeming lost or confused. It is so important to understand, know, and remember that dogs don’t instinctively know how to respond to your commands. May 31, 2024 · 1. How long does it take for a dog to start listening? The time it takes for a dog to start listening varies based on the dog’s age, breed, previous training Jun 21, 2020 · Tip #2 – Stay Close to the People Your Dog Trusts. Published on July 27, 2010 08:30PM EDT. Puppies or adult dogs can easily get into a pattern where they will listen only if they see value in it. Apr 17, 2014 · You probably wouldn’t be too fond of them and may even start ignoring them. Intense anger, especially, diminishes listening capacity. Your dog follows you everywhere. This led to the myth that cats aren’t trainable because they don’t listen to your voice or come when you call them Sep 12, 2013 · Every single day at our dog training facility in Northern Virginia we hear people say, “My dog listens to my husband (or wife), but he doesn’t listen to me. Apr 26, 2023 · Why Does My Dog Listen To Me But Not Others? There are several reasons why your dog may listen to you but not others. Because I don’t want to paint a picture that I have to ‘pay’ my dog to work with me. They know the five basic rules of initially greeting all dogs: Don’t look. When left alone for long periods, whether in the house or the yard, dogs can become bored or sad and often bark because they're unhappy. The instant the dog locks eyes with you again, treat. They are likely to be obsessed with their treats and refuse to listen without treats for a long while yet. 10. It’s very similar to telling a child it’s time to go to bed. May 24, 2017 · Some of them take being ignored as a challenge to their authority. SUBSCRIBE. You Aren’t Fun Enough. Pay attention to your tone of voice, play with them, give them happy positive attention. Jun 27, 2023 · So, why is it that some dogs seem to have trouble following instructions, while others are obedient and attentive? In this article, we’ll explore the many reasons why your dog may not be listening to you, and what you can do to improve their behavior. The dog may be able to perform well known behaviors, but it is still When you say that your dog only listens when you have treats, it’s safe to say that your pup is putting his attention on you because he knows that: You have treats. Like working with me is some painstakingly awful thing that I have to bribe my dog to do. Check your phone settings and review the permissions you’ve given to your apps. the dog always being by their side). Being dominant. Most of the time, an aggressive dog’s body will look stiff. And men have a firmer tone than women because their voices are deeper. Obedience is one of the measures of the intelligence of your pupper. Usually for something mundane as looking cute. For example, if there’s someone in the house who is quick to shove or take jabs at your dog when he does something bad, then he’ll quickly associate these actions. The only way to get your dog’s Jul 7, 2020 · Eileen Koval, CDBC, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA Lack of focus is a common problem for dog owners everywhere. Feb 2, 2019 · If you have a habit of repeating yourself, your dog might form a habit of delaying their response. They rarely stop to think about why their dog is acting like he/she is. He may wrinkle his muzzle and pull back his lips to expose his teeth. In the wild, canines, such as wolves and coyotes, often use sustained eye contact as a precursor to dominance challenges. If the dogs are loose and wiggly, a growl means that playtime is still on. Go back a few steps in your training. Without enough exercise, your dog has pent up energy. If you’re inconsistent in your commands or rewards, your dog may become confused and less likely to obey. Jul 29, 2017 · Go to a regular human park. The Importance of Building a Strong Relationship with Your Dog. This way, it will listen to your commands and anticipate rewards afterward. German Shepherds are a breed that require a lot of exercise to be properly stimulated. Other times, it is the person who gives out snacks most Mar 9, 2019 · End Of Playtime. Understanding Canine Listening Habits. If your dog isn’t listening, they may have learned that there is a greater reward in ignoring you— more squirrels to chase, more time to smell the grass, you name it. This should help let your pup understand that he should listen to others in the family. In reality, most people whose dogs ignore them have unwittingly trained them to do so. There is nothing wrong with that. They feel most secure in the company of their packmates and of people they know well. 1 Your dog is being inadvertently rewarded for an unwanted behavior. If you’ve used your dog’s name or a word that he’s learned to ignore, use something different, like “Here. Pay attention to body language. Your pup understands the scenario, meaning that if he listens, he will get that treat you showed him. They will then be more than happy to listen to what you have to say and even better do what you’d like them to do! Nov 6, 2020 · Write them down, stick them on your wall, and commit them to memory. One reason your dog might not be listening to you is if they are Reason 2: Bad connotation with the name. Stop and start, change directions and run in zig-zags. Oct 14, 2019 · Dogs who are experiencing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (doggie dementia), can often become suddenly aggressive. Usually, it's said with a slightly puzzled. So, the dog simply learns, “I have to listen to and respect this person; however, not so much this other person. You know your dog respects you as the pack leader if he wants you to take the lead and for him to follow along blindly. Avoid this problem by See full list on anifirm. Dogs follow their owners because they want to be attached to your side. With time and patience, very few problems can’t be overcome. You could have scared your puppy involuntarily by raising your tone, for example. In this guide, we'll explore common reasons why your dog might not be listening and provide practical solutions to strengthen the bond between you and your four-legged companion. 3. Everyone wants their furry companion to be a well-mannered member of the family, but like people, dogs have minds of Aug 23, 2021 · When a dog doesn’t listen, it’s essentially being disobedient. Mixed signals can lead to confusion, making it harder for your dog to listen. If a dog keeps yawning, they may be nervous. It’s just going to make them unhappy. The dog will begin to inspect your hands (for those treats). This can be a parent, sibling, spouse, or even a child. 7. Some dog owners don’t realize the energy they are bringing to the situation. eq uy ip nq il om id ax tf nz