My friend cheated on my family to steal my inheritance reddit

My friend cheated on my family to steal my inheritance reddit. Let's call this guy Joel. 4. She also was barely involved in my life as a mother. The only reason she told you was to make herself feel better. Everytime I got married, I thought this would be it. My [35 M] wife [34F] Cheated on me with her best friend [33F] Infidelity. 1. My husband (30M) cheated on me with a girl (30F) that was supposed to be my best friend. She was my bridesmaid, her husband was a groomsman, and their kids were our ring bearer and flower girl. All whilst knowing the truth that she cheated on me. However, in our experience, you can often recover your stolen inheritance without resorting to a lawsuit with the help of an experienced probate litigation attorney. Please do not feel guilty about getting it back if you can. A while back my wife cheated on me with her best friend. 1K. I feel so sick to my stomach knowing what I did, especially because my boyfriend is the sweetest man on the planet. First off, my condolences about your mother. Sell anything that isn't bolted down/necessary to live, borrow from every friend you have, max a credit card if you have to, etc. If nothing else you'd think the sister who's still well off would finance it in the interest of getting her cut. My mom has a wake up call and gets sober, but is still absent from AA meetings and general disinterest. In short, it's a mess lol. My husband and I have been dating since I was 19 and he was 22. Hard slap on the face. Even though her husband cheated first, she still violated HER vows, and she might feel guilty. My entire family basically shunned me when I came out in 2019. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised. 7. Please try to do this. I (29f) have a best friend of 18 years (30f) who I just found out is definitely cheating on her boyfriend (33M). Made on mobile and I live in Canada. (SmartAsset) - Receiving an inheritance could provide an unexpected (or anticipated) financial windfall. My father's side of the family aren't exatcly well educated or rational people - they mostly care about themselves. My aunt was the executor of the estate. I took pride in knowing my grandparents thought so highly of my future and was determined to keep making them proud. We sold the house in the settlement, I'm about to retire. Edit sorry about the format I know it's not put together well. I've never used reddit, but I've seen stories from here on When I was 25, we found out that my father had been cheating on my mother for years and he had a 7 year old daughter with his mistress. He was my only parent, mom was never in mine or my sister's life. This is my 3rd divorce. I guess there is no happy ending in my love life. UnderstandingWeak885. AITA for not leaving any inheritance for my kids. Hello reddit. I was 24 in my first marriage. We’ll call her Amy. I found out a week ago that basically my entire family has been helping my fiancé (M23) hide his affair with my best friend (23F). Dad left money (inheritance) for me and sister and she used her inhertance to get new cars and renovate her house I live with my aunt right now cause my brother inlaw didn't let me stay with my sister. Your sister buying nicer and more expensive clothing. however, this is where things get messy. He told all these women a different name and that he was single. In many cases, a sibling who steals their sibling’s inheritance chooses to voluntarily return it after receiving a demand I had hades my son when i was 14, his mom Ada (may her soul rest in peace) was 16, she was the daughter of a friend of my uncle's wife who also lost her parents and had to stay with my aunt (uncle's wife) but news flash my aunt turned her into a maid which was quite stupid since they could easily affords tons of maids. When my grandfather died a few years ago, his money was split among my mom and her 5 brothers. Go to AmItheAsshole. None of our mental health was the best back in school, Hope in particular probably had it the worst, and none of us exactly had healthy coping mechanisms Context: My sister (F27) and I (18F) lost our dad a year ago. So my brain figured internet strangers would be best. It is a bit complicated because while I am not the recipient of the inheritance, my grandmother is, I do not want the other side of my family to steal a large sum of money from my struggling grandmother. My family members is trying to steal inheritance. The morning after the wedding the bridal party found out that my husbands best friend cheated on his wife that night with a family wedding guest causing a lot of drama with the wedding party. But in the end it is up to your boyfriend what happens next in the relationship. I will keep it as short as possible. Every single word just made me realize how much I needed to get away from them. She also called his friends moms and told them their sons were defending cheating. I'm not going to force him but I do hope he changes his mind one day. he's so kind and caring and adorable that I feel like throwing up with guilt every time he texts me. he takes me out on the cutest dates and holds me when I cry and my family loves him, especially my little sister. [Support] My absent father didn’t come to see me from the age of 5-18. My friend is jealous of my inheritance. Uncle tried to steal my inheritance Need probate and legal Help! My aunt passed away over 2 years ago and left everything to my uncle and my father. It broke both me and her. His family and a lot of our friend all called to say how upset they were at me and called me really nasty names. You and your wife have a basic incompatibility, and in order to fulfil that part of herself she has lied and deceived you. 2 weeks later she passed. r/AmItheAsshole. My mother's just finished, with my sister squatting in her house and forcing us 5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Inheritance Hijacking 1. We talked to my now ex friend, and she admitted to using my old phone to create that fake profile and also to message "the other man", and I use quotes because that man never existed, it was Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes. My wife has been cheating on me and it turns out I’m not the father of our 2 kids. Two years ago I found out my Originally posted to r/TwoHotTakes and r/AITAH. For those saying it's not real, I also come from a well to do family and have been with this guy for years. Uncle breaks it to her that no one is looking to farm and the land will probably be sold. A parent who has your best interests at heart would not steal your inheritance. My mom went down to greet them and there we learned that my father died of a heart attack during the night and was found in the morning by his girlfriend who moved in with him 3 days prior. Be aware and vigilant One of the best ways to protect yourself from inheritance hijacking is to become vigilant and aware of the people around you. Divorced their mother after I found out she had been cheating on me with her boss. B - My kid. my grandfather was cheating on my grandmother with his twenty-something secretary, he was caught, they got divorced, and he married the secretary- who is my Entitled Step-Grandmother (ESG)- this was 20 years ago. If you can't trust her with your boyfriend, then how can you trust her with anything else. Which she finally did. He told everyone on both sides of the family what happened, made posts on social media and wanted a divorce. Me 27m, fiancé 26f call her L, my father 52m call him B, my mother 50f call her R. My family and I decided to go on a trip to Vietnam to visit family when it came to light that my mom's [51 years old] family has sold the house my maternal grandmother used to live in. Tell your husband that you are starting ic and you want him to come to mc. Even when younger my uncle would pressure his grandma(she passed away) into giving all the inheritance to him. Add a Comment. There’s just one thing you may have to contend with – people attempting to steal what you’ve inherited. All my husbands cheated on me. Present-Hope4502. Jen - met her in high school, been friends for almost 10 years. I Abandoned my family because my daughter knew about my wife affair for money. We are a close family, and no one really argued about anything. She squares Pluto in her own house of other people's My (F/23) grandfather died when I was 13, and left my sister and I each an inheritance to collect when we turned 21. I grew up a ~6 hour drive from them, and only saw them on Yes, you can sue a sibling who steals your inheritance. When a parent cheats it not only harms the parent's relationship, but the relationship with the kid as well as their future well-being. Dating Jon. There had been no affectation or intimacy between the two of us for some time. One of my uncles passed away of cancer more than 20 years ago, so his portion went to his daughter (my cousin). Pressuring the person to change the will through coercion. She in turn has blocked him on everything, and out of spite he did the same thing, however, he doesn't know that friend #3 has told her. My brother stole my inheritance. 6: If you feel that you can. “Hmm, OP’s wife thinks he was wrong, his kid thinks he was wrong, his in-laws think he was wrong, his own family thinks he was wrong, every friend he’s confided in thinks he was wrong…” About 4 years ago when I was 14, I found out that my mother cheated on my father. X - Ex Husband. There are some potential red flags that point to your sister possibly cheating you out of your fair share of your inheritance: A recent and unexplained increase in your sister’s spending. the tricky part is he has some memory issues, it was almost diagnosed as dementia before they found out he had a vitamin B Tell your dad, ask him to stop, if he don't figure it out himself. I have 4 concerns: 1 The insurance policy. So, the affair started a year ago and I found out immediately by w0rd_nerd. They left early the next morning and not sure if the wife found out. He keeps telling his brothers (they’re the co-executors, I’m a back up) to just give him the cash/money and he’ll make sure it gets to me. Bough a new house or is renovating their house. My fiancé cheated on me with my father. It’s crazy to me how people’s morals can just be bought with the right amount of money lmao. ) I've been raised beside an older sister who likes my stuff so much she wants it all. One of them offered to keep most of my stuff in his place, and I went to a nice hotel. This was the home my brother and I grew up in. They will not accept you back unless some miracle or major event where you can be redeemed. He says he's at a loss for words seeing how my family is willing to cut me out over something like this. I'm 37F. She had been distant towards me for some time. Simply reply that the two of you had or have irreconcilable differences and leave it at that. Steal my inheritance have fun with your divorce. I'm stuck with 2 children, a boy and a girl, from my 1st and 3rd marriages. I hope you can get back to the happy and caring person you were when we first met. Grandma put the land in a trust in all four kid's names. My (m27) dad (61) had this friend Jay (M54). She explained to me that she knew something was mentally wrong with my brother, and was trying to "make up" for ignoring my mother's mental state by shielding him. I said I would tell the story of me catching my husband cheating on me so here it is. And yet the entire process, as I said, has just passed the FIFTH anniversary of my mother’s passing, and still isn’t finished. According to the horary chart, it seems to me that I am not in a very good position, I am Mercury in the 11th, heading for a conjunction with Uranus and separating from the sextile with the moon and Mars. I agreed. After you have a handle on your emotions you might be able to benefit by talking to your dad. Put your TRUE cheating stories here. Maybe playfully thrust your genitalia in his face. I changed my name legally in July 2021. Trigger Warnings: I fell for my affair partner during my divorce – recovered with Wayback Machine) - October 30, 2023. My husband Jim (26m), fake name, was furious and accused me of cheating and left right then and there. You are expanding your hatred onto your boyfriend and other men. Yes, you know he is toxic on multiple levels. Definitely end the relationship you didn't love her and you need to work on yourself before getting into another relationship. 16 years ago, I made a friend one day on the bus. A sister is supposed to be a friend, someone you can trust, someone who has your back. Definitely hire a lawyer to help you with estate planning. Advice. She is out for her own best interest. When a person cheats on their significant other, it affects everyone. She took his phone and used it to call the girlfriend and made him confess on speakerphone. The house he lived in was a family house inherited from my grandfather, and I don't know what name was on the deed. Through all of this, I had my husband who Ofcourse cheating effects a relationship negative. Sign NOTHING until you seek advice from your own probate attorney. Edit: Absent dad popped up to try and steal my inheritance. 54. She accidentally looked at my dads phone and she found suggestive messages with an old colleague of his, turns out hes been lying about going out with friends and has been going to JEE. If you feel that you’re being lied to or that your partner is still cheating When parents adopts or births a child they take on all the responsibilities, they aren't owed anything in return. 596 Share. Things have gotten a lot better since then. Yes, your friend was betrayed, but it is one they can move past as long as they have people around them being supportive for as long as they need. As her health deteriorated, He decided to sell her house and move her into their home. My mom was the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, but my uncle (the owner of the insurance company) changed the name from my mom to himself. Tell us about any non-violent conflict A little backstory. But you need to be straight up with him and tell him he isn't going to have access to it. I created this account because I honestly have no one else to tell this too honestly. My father passed away as well and I am his only child and heir. My dad trusted her to put our money in accounts until we were old enough. so pathetic. Now this is tricky b/c this time he cheated again obv but now it involves our family Distinct-Address-427. Stop with the alchohol immediately. I will keep this as short as possible but basically I'm a 43M, I got my childhood sweet heart 43F pregnant and had my daughter 25F, she was considered a miracle child because the pregnancy was that difficult for my wife that she was never able to have kids AITA for fighting to 'steal' a strangers inheritance? No A-holes here. I'm the youngest sibling of 6 on my father's side, and the only child on my mother's side. My (14f) dad (53m) cheated on my mum (53f) and she found out last night. If there was documentation they probably owe you that money, but doubtful you would collect. This is where he goes into the Entitled Person Mode. Your current gf may forgive you, but her family hates you. Dating Rich. This thread is filled with so much bullshit it's unbelievable. I know the title sounds bad, and I also know that parts of this make me a bad person. The affair partner called his wife to tell her and acted like everything about this situation was normal and the wife had no reason to act all upset at the This might be long so bare with me. He understandably doesn’t like her anymore but he’s usually civil towards her. (I live in OR, trust is out of Nor Cal. Fast forward to 2005, I’m in 5th grade, and my grandma passed away from long-term alcohol abuse. Everyone in my family has died and I inhereted a decent amount of money in my early thirties. ADMIN MOD. You hurt yourself, your Dad, Mother, my family, your friends. She may be afraid of what will happen if "Mark" finds out the baby isn't his, especially because she's a stay at home mom. This is sad not sad cringe. Jan 14, 2021 · Say what you feel, but don’t make threats that you might regret later. So I [19F] met my friend, called Hope [19F], at school and we've been friends for a long time. What can I do? Wills Trusts and Estates. I would expect my friends to tell me if my partner was cheating, especially if it was with another mutual friend. Having a best friend to help you fall apart and reassemble a battle strategy is a godsend. This is a long story so thank you in advance for sticking with me I'll try to keep it clean so r/ and others can use it. On August 3rd, 2017 I heard a knock at the door of my house and it was my father's brother and his girlfriend. My friend (Neighbour) told me about what he did. Taking advantage of a person with limited mental or physical skills (e. It seems likely that aunt was truthful because it lines up with sister B’s reaction to you hiring a lawyer, but you also said you trust sister B so I wanted to ask. The inheritance includes her bank account which has a little over $100,000, whatever we get from the upcoming estate sale, and her house. Amy and her boyfriend have been going through Apr 17, 2017 · Drugging or over-medicating a person before getting the person to change the will. My aunt (my grandfather's daughter and my dad's sister) was the executor of his estate, and handled everything when he died. My brother then bought my mom a small house for 75,000 with the idea she A family friend's husband was having an affair for 20+ years and that woman knew rhe entire time about his family. First thing first you need to stop think about your self and start think of what your husband needs. He was very large due to him having diabetes and breaking his arm after falling in the shower but he was always a swell man, and how he died was by a Entitled B*tch tries to steal my husband. I proposed Family Therapy and while my girls are open to it my son says that therapy is only for people who have something "broken in them" and that's he's not "broken," is now happy that his father is dead and wants to change his last name as soon as he turns 18. If he doesn't like it let him leave because it doesn't sound like he's contributing anything. I immidiately told him and this basically lead to their divorce. All our family members say I overstepped. They’ve justified in their mind that it’s OK that their close friend did this, so it’s not a huge jump for them to justify doing it themselves. So where to start but my dad. ) According to Vietnamese law, the money has to be split evenly between the beneficiaries, my mom being one of them. All this only came out because that very friend talked to one mutual friends of all three of us. Story time! Rene - been friends with her for 15 years. It was divided by all the grandkids so my share was about 2000€. Were on holiday in a different country right now. Your example and exemplar N's felt since they raised you, they were entitled to your stuff. In NY, your aunt would be entitled to a third of the estate even if your uncle left her out. Luckily she was the only person in that situation that seemed to have any kind of moral grounding and she pressured my gf to tell me the truth. "It's none of your business" Yes, it fucking is. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. ), luckily I have an uncle that knows he’s a criminal and is trying to steal from me and my sister. I felt really lonely when my mom (the last family member I had) died and everyone was really focused on how "lucky" I was to recieve this money. My uncle was the acting trustee of the will, but he purposely waited over two years to do anything while living in my aunt’s house Inheritance isn't marital property. The house sold for 150,000 in 2006. My brother sold the house with my moms blessing as and the money was to be used for her future needs. Regardless, at least 1 person in your family is trying to steal from your kids. He sent me nasty and abusive messages after and then started being nicer out of nowhere for awhile. So, that’s my personal experience. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. She left 1/3 of everything to my aunt, 1/3 to my uncle, and because she is estranged from my mother, the remaining 1/3 will be split between me, my brother, and my sister. She told me everything and I decided to not make them stop talking or give an utlimatium and let her continue to hang out with her etc except everytime they were together, texting whatever, It brought back the In selling her estate (house, car, etc. He was at her ranch one time and was bucked off a horse and broke his back. We’ve been married for six years now. 2. In my case, I am one of seven children, and my mother had a very meager estate, left to the seven of us equally. This is betrayal. Offer to pay her back $100/month and if you do get the inheritance restored you pay it all back at once. My mom had to move from her home for medical reasons. January 20, 2023. You need to do this immediately. My brother verbally told me at that time I was to inherit 1/2 of the estate after expenses after she passed. To her tribe/family you’ve broken their trust and the heart of their child. Our friend group consists of a few boys, myself, Hope, Chelsea [18F] and Hannah [19F]. Don't blame anybody or anything for your actions. Then he came down once. My father has always been a kind man, whilst my uncle pretty selfish. In one split second, the happy family I knew was gone, and I went through the darkest time in my life. Edit. Growing up Jay was like an uncle to me. I asked him to write a confession so that I can post it on reddit. Thank you for all the messages you sent me and the comments you left on my first post, I really appreciated it. That weekend, when Chad got back he found Raphael's toothbrush in the bathroom and flipped out. My parents both died recently and had separate trusts. My mom came to me in May 2022 and told me that my aunt and grandmother had went to an attorney or something after I had changed my name, and afterwards they told her to never say anything to *deadname. It might make me the asshole since my mom's new partner is invited. Bro is going to get 95+ percentile. None of my family and friends have reddit (thank the stars). Like many who've had something like this happen I never thought something like this would happen to me but here we are. Up until about a year ago, I considered this guy a member of my family. Author: u/royal_mermaid Title: my mom trying to steal my “inheritance” Original Post: my grandfather and my mom never had a good relationship so to spite her he has told a few people in my family that he plans on bypassing her and giving everything he has when he dies. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This all went down right after my dads death and I wanted to post this on here and never speak of this again. There are no winners in cheating everyone involved feels like shit afterwards, best to seperate. My husband is cheating on me with my best friend. C - The bitch I caught him cheating with. g. My mother was self-centered and abusive towards my father durig their marriage. It's worth consulting your own (independent of your parents) lawyer to find out tho. We have two kids and I’m six months pregnant with our third. ) DO trust your feelings and observations. 5 years later of taking care of her and rearranging my life for her care. In my previous story, I wrote about my journey of getting away from my abusive and psycho mother. Jay has been married to May (F51) for ~30 years. She came downstairs and confronted him and his friends tried to defend him, let me tell you the hell she rained down. My husband used to get along with my family until my sister falsely accused him of cheating on me. My sister, if she is represented by the Sun also in the 11th, is not better, however. Everyone in my family was happy for this to be the case. now ESG was shunned by most of the family (my aunt refused to talk to her at family parties Husband cheated on reddit. She had no play in stealing my inheritance, other than giving him her card and pin under the assumption that he was just getting money for her since she can't easily walk to the Jan 20, 2023 · The Wealth Advisor Contributor. I am not saying forgive and forget what your father did, but as you said in the title, this anger is consuming you. What I'm saying is, even though she cheated on her husband, keep her feelings in mind during this situation. Bought or leased a new car. My sister recently announced her engagement and while everybody congratulated her my husband turned to her fiancé and said “good luck, you’ll need it marrying so a couple days ago my father passed away and I inherited over $5000 because I helped him with his business and my sister and my mother did nothing but eat and sleep all day and they got mad at me when I got everything from my fathers will when he passed so fast forward eight days later I’m at my house my mother sister and grandmother came barging into my house and started breaking a bunch My boyfriend knew what happened and was hurt my parents didn't even take time to see him. I had just received my share of my grandfather's inheritance (may he rest in peace). Half-sisters try and steal my inheritance. My husband and I have been together for eight years, married for one and a half. I did not hesitate to divorce and it was the best decision of my life. The trust cannot be dissolved until all 4 are deceased, and it cannot be sold while in trust. I waited until last sunday, and when everyone went to the church, like the "perfect happy family" they pretend they are, I called my friends and moved all my stuff out of there. I’m honestly not sure where to start so I guess I’ll just start. take responsibility for your actions. Best friend growing up. I have a friend who cheated on her bf with my other friend's boyfriend. Amy and I are very close so we usually know what’s going on in each other’s lives, however our friendship is long distance. If you see family members suddenly behaving differently as you get older, take note of it and talk to them about it. He taught me a lot of things about the world and was a huge mentor. Anyways, my friend #3 in this scenario also found out what He (the cheater) did so he told our best friend (the one who got cheated on) behind the cheater's back. A little over a month ago, my wife (34/F) of 9 years asked me (35/m) for a divorce. Cheating is dependent on opportunity, so if they’ve never had one, they might not even realize they feel this way. What do I do, obviously at some point the I hope I’m the future you consider others before you do what you want for yourself. My ex-wife cheated on me with my best friend at the time. This is going to be a long one. How my own dad's mother tried to steal my inheritance. If your dad is around he will catch on and use his charm offensive to stop or halt any forward process of your mom to get away from your toxic dad. You’ve had a falling out due to her beliefs about a shared inheritance she thought she had more of a right to. Covering up Cason cheating with Kira was so icky to me. But around 21 years ago Jay had an affair due to May sterility issues If you legally turned it over to your father there may not be anything you can do at this point. Nothing tying me down anymore. I have three kids, all grown up and out of the nest. (She has passed away. You didn’t just hurt me. poor eyesight) who does not understand what he is doing in changing the will. I've spoken to some of my friends, and they said I blew up my relationship with my daughter over this. Anyway there is not much to do more than you can try your best to show that you want to change (make sure that you actually want and mean it and no lies). At this time the order of protection had long ran out and had not been renewed as we had gone total no contact with my entitled aunt and had been so since she had tried to submit forged documents to the courts trying to get her hands on my inheritance, ( it still puzzles me how she did not wind up in prison over that). Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. Her grandma was discussing who would take over the family farm with her uncle. Backstory: I come from a pretty broken family, my dad committed suicide when I was two, my mom hopped My sister is continuously trying to steal my inheritance. Wills Trusts and Estates. Is not friend's with Jen. He is not on reddit so he agreed. Monday morning, put your finger in the phone and start calling attorneys, preferably in the county where your uncle resided. BoxAhFox. My partner of 7+ years/ husband of 2 years (as of april 30th) told me this past Sunday on May 6th that he's been talking to several women on reddit subs, exchanging pictures of videos of them getting off, and being emotionally involved for the past 5 months. You're gonna have to have enough spine to put your foot down. 5: If you feel no remorse for it. The one who had to cover her eyes when we passed a dog that had been hit by a car on the WIBTA for not sharing my inheritance with my emotionally cruel family members : r/AmItheAsshole. He knew I was left money by his mum with the other grandkids. AITA for Going Scorched Earth Over My Inheritance Rings. So, I keep a crystal bowl on the mantle above my fireplace, full of my medical marijuana. We had been married ten years. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I did not invite my father's new partner to my wedding. . The other 5 siblings all have the same mother and are close in age, so they all grew up together in the same town. Steal my meds? Enjoy divorce, jail, joblessness, and sleeping in your car. The whole friend group is majorly toxic. Me - Me. Help your friend at their own pace, and don't try to force anything. vr om eq dp xl oj aj ib yk zl