4dp5dt feel like af is coming

4dp5dt feel like af is coming. It’s there loud and proud. Aug 3, 2011 · right symptoms : poundin headaches yesterday and feeling a bit hot 2day with dizzyness, sore boobs from about 2 days before et till 2 days ago now my nipples are wee bit tender but hardly feel anything wen i take my bra off. I typically get headaches (that’s a huge sign she’s coming) and bloating, I get hungrier and crave sweets, but I didn’t have any of that this past week/now. No sore boobs, no nausea, no tiredness. I am due AF on the 8th. I am 4dp5dt. Like. I'm assuming I'll wake to a blood bath tomorrow but humor me! Has anyone ever felt like AF was Apr 27, 2016 · 4dp5dt feeling down ! This is our last round of icsi and I am petrified of my otd arriving and POAS. Nov 22, 2014 at 5:50 PM. Jul 12, 2021 · Every time I go to the toilet I hold my breath and hope for no blood because some of the cramps really feel quite strong! Relieved to see other people experience this! I had a miscarriage 10 years ago and don’t remember the cramps coming until way after the bleeding started. more days! d. I knew there was a chance that it would be bc it is early but still bummed me out!! Anyone test day 4 and get negative and still end up with a positive Sep 6, 2017 · 4DP5DT: Day 4 post-5-day transfer, the blastocyst attaches itself to the blood supply held by the endometrium of the uterus. Good luck though. Pomg. I’ve had cramps since I ovulated. It honestly feels like it is day 1 of AF. I tested this evening using an internet cheapie, some left over from my earlier cycle. Day 5 post-5-day transfer, implantation is generally complete, and the embryo has divided into cells that will become the placenta and cells that will become the fetus. Here’s some background on my thoughts! I start down-regulation for my second transfer in 1 week. Transfer #2 was a chemical (VVV faint positive 5dp5dt which got a tiny bit darker for 2 days before getting lighter). I posted yesterday about lower abdomen soreness, but today I'm not feeling sore anymore. Transfer #1 was fresh and failed. Oct 19, 2015 at 10:59 AM. Oct 4, 2011 · Currently 4dp5dt so I obviously have nothing really to report. Posted 16-08-19. had my FET… It's all just one giant mind fuck. Mar 4, 2014 at 5:58 AM. Today I am 4dp5dt. Very crampy. It feel more intense slight pain on left side of lower abdomen. It’s still very early. I have a burning/cramping feeling like af is going to start today. Took preg test Sunday and got + took digital today and says 1-2 wks. I have 2 embies on board 1 blast and 1 early blastocyst I have had no symptoms other than feeling a but achy like af is due to arrive but I know I am 4dp5dt. And i mean barely visible on the test. glepc. I'm 11 or 12 DPO and I feel like my body is gearing up for af I was feeling every preg symptom but now I feel crampy like af had a bfn this morning af is due tomorrow. I know it’s early but I still feel so devastated. Just have a rest when you can, and hopefully it will soon settle. Pregnancy Week 42. Stay positive! 3. My AF was suppose to be yesterday. Apr 4, 2022 · Cramping was a good sign for me with both positives! First pregnancy i cramped from transfer through the first trimester. PGT testing is not very common in my country and we only had… Apr 9, 2019 · 6dp5dt and cramping. AF like very light cramping in the morning and then a somewhat achy cervix (it didn't really hurt, I was just very aware of it). I don't know whether this is normal could I still have a successful outcome. I had some very mild cramps the first 3 days and some serious AF cramps at 7dp5dt but they went away within 8 hours. All of the BFN's I had previously were completely stark white and never changed over time. Yep! I swore AF was comin and that I wasn't pregnant and then AF never showed up! Tested the day after and got a BFP! P. I tested at 4dp5dt, once in the morning and it was negative, but I read on here about testing in the afternoon, so I did that and there was a ‘squint your eyes’ faint line. AF isn’t due for another week and I’m really regular so not sure what’s May 19, 2023 · I shouldn't be testing this early but the wait got the better of me because I just feel so weird, hormones from the meds or not but I just would like to hear some positive stories! I took a cheapie test this aft which was positive so I went and did a clear blue ultra early & it is deffo positive within 30 secs kind of positive! Mar 13, 2016 · Mar 15, 2016 at 9:59 AM. Has anyone had a BFP after the 7dp5dt? I had some small dull cramps again yesterday, and the veins on my boobs are getting a little darker, just don't know if that means AF is coming or not. Good luck. 1. Last night, cramping began. ago. I had a 6AA (hatched) embryo and I feel like by now I should be seeing something, even if very faint. No crazy lighting or special effects needed to see it or wondering if I could be imagining a line. Second was the first few days after transfer then it really went away and Jul 30, 2023 · I’ve had a dull pelvic ache, like impending AF, since the transfer which I think might’ve been aggravation from the catheter, but that’s it. There is a lot going on in there and most ladies do experience cramping at some point in the 2ww. @saah2011, I felt like I was getting AF before I got my BFP. Definately! With DS i took 6 tests over 6 days as I was convinced I was going to come on at any point. I can see a fait line. The cramps were quite bad I don't normally get period pains. I feel like I always come in here and moan but this is literally my only support network. Jul 16, 2019 · 2. , FACOG, ob-gyn. :-( What is the latest DPO that you test and still get BFP? I am afraid I will be out this month. It definitely can happen. I’ve had period like cramps for 24 hours and night sweats last night. As title says, today I am 10dpo and for the last 2/3 days I’ve felt like AF is about to start. I'm on progesterone supplements from my PCP. This appeared slightly brown when I wiped this morning. I spent the next two nights crying and finally decided to just take a HPT and it came out positive. This wait is absolutely killing me. I keep running to the bathroom, but there is nothing. @BEE999, I tested then too and got bfn. Maybe I just need some talking down but gosh I feel so I've been having what feels like menstrual cramps for three days, AF is late, but I've tested on 10DPO and 13DPO both with BFN. I'm now 4 weeks and 2 days. 7dp5dt - BFN (6am) 7dp5dt - 1pm - It initially came back as BFN, but when I went back after a few hours, I saw the faintest line. And have had lower back pain for a couple of days. babyboybluex · 12/07/2021 16:06. Stay positive, good luck xx May 16, 2010 · Well today, I just got those cramps! I'm so upset! My last cycle had a 15 day LP! Can that be a sign of implantation? Whyyy am I feeling like AF is coming! Dec 8, 2017 · IF it makes you feel any better I have zero symptoms and I just got the call that I am pregnant. It is not abnormal for my period to come a week early during a medical cycle. Mar 9, 2022 · Really could have used an ibuprofen/acetaminophen but didn't want to take anything, just in case. Both good quality. They are both faint but definatly there! CD29 today. Anyway woke up yesterday 4dp5dt and the pains seemed t of eased off slightly. Photo credit: iStock. I'm devistated! Feb 19, 2013 · Ok so I am on cd32 and cycles usually anywhere from 28-33d. Period cramps. Mar 16, 2021 · I’ve had all sorts of weird pulling feelings, almost like light period pains, more than normally sore boobs, back ache, a bit stiff and am definitely getting more tired. I was sure I'd get an early positive, but nope. Thank you. Let me know if anyone is able to see or if I am just imagining things. We transferred two embryos - untested. I feel silly even typing this post. Bad cramping. I am still crampy off and on, but am just hoping it is from the hormones. Reply. Jun 8, 2020 · Honey0218. Ig my period is coming ! Jul 12, 2021 · Welshcake15 · 12/07/2021 15:20. Jan 26, 2017 · I was 9dp transfer on 24. Pregnancy Week 41. We transferred 2 blasts, one of them hatching. Many period cramps can be felt on just one side of the lower abdomen as one of the ovaries Jul 17, 2011 · Jul 17, 2011 at 11:50 AM. Apr 17, 2019 · 6dp5dt no symptoms. Hi ladies! I'm a little concerned. I tested this morning and got a faint positive on a blue dye test. Stark negative. Yeah same. i have lower back cramps like AF but not as strong, and (tmi sorry) that wet feeling you get right before. The cramps to me were on and off for 2 and a half days. On the other hand, period cramps may feel more intense, noticeable, severe, or painful. I had severe period like pain/cramps this morning got woken up. 3fachshop. 6dp5dt - BFN. I had zero symptoms really. Jan 2, 2024 · A feeling like something is coming out of the anus; A visible reddish-colored mass sticking out of the anus; Constipation, diarrhea, or both; Feeling that the rectum is not empty after a bowel movement; Inability to control bowel movements (fecal incontinence) Passing blood or mucus from the rectum Nov 23, 2014 · So, since you are testing at 4dp5dt (9dpo) you could be pregnant but it's too early to test! Please put down the stick and wait a few. Nothing that I needed meds for. . Posted 02-05-13. 5DP5DT - Cramps feel like Period is coming?! Help!! Hi ladies, Today is my 5th day past 5 day embryo transfer. We are all unique that’s why it can be so early for you to feel standard pregnancy symptoms right now) It can appear later. Ive had two embryos transfered but I really believe its failed again. I was negative at 5dp5dt too. com / LaylaBird. 552. Day 3 and 4 felt a little hungrier than usual, experienced mild I'm feeling as if AF is about to arrive 3 days early and it's not like me to have a short cycle. There's activity in my abdomen so I'm fairly certain I'm gonna have good news in a few days. Good luck!! I know choosing when to test is totally down to personal preference, but I’m thinking of testing early for my next transfer, so I’m really interested to hear people’s reasons for testing so early. Hang in there 💜. Hi ladies So as the title says I'm 4dp5dt and feel like af is about to start. my back is crippling me (just like wen i get af) tummy crampy at beginning of week but now my ovaries are hurting, stingy Sep 14, 2018 · AF is due today, I still feel cramping and very nervous about it. Dec 10, 2015 · Posted 11 December 2015 - 12:11 PM. • 1 yr. Jul 5, 2009 · With my first child, I even took ibuprofen and used a tampon, I was so sure it was about to start. This is my first IVF and did FET on 5/18 (RE doesn't do fresh). Yesterday I had really sharp cramps for around 5 minutes, then mild cramping all day, in my lower back too. I was SO crampy, but my hcg came out at 160 at 3w6d so I was able to relax somewhat (definately not fully). It's not over until the beta hcg says so!! Me - 29 31 - unexplained poor egg quality. Well today, I just got those cramps! I'm so upset! My last cycle had a 15 day LP! Can that be a sign of implantation? Whyyy am I feeling like AF is coming! May 24, 2017 · 4dp5dt - BFN . I felt totally normal. I wake feeling depressed every day, questioning if I'll ever be a mum given that I'm now 39. ive had 2x failed 3day fresh transfers before and the progesterone certainly gave me some effects - boobs, tiredness etc - but due to not being on it this time Jan 22, 2016 · 4dp5dt home pregnancy test. Messages. I was beyond shocked when my beta came back positive. 5DP5DT. Try not to stress, although I know it is very tough! Jul 14, 2023 · Implantation cramps feel similar to menstrual cramps, though they're usually milder. Jan 30, 2023 · Early pregnancy cramps may also feel like a prickling, tingling, or pulling sensation that can come and go or last for a day or two before disappearing altogether. 4dpt is really early. Jul 31, 2017 · Aug 1, 2017 at 7:35 AM. 14dpo - took a Dollar Tree test in the morning for a BFN. We've had a busy weekend so maybe I've overdone it a bit. PartOfYourWorld3. I kept expecting to see spotting everytime I went to the bathroom. Today I am 4DP5DT. This afternoon I tested with FRER and got a clear positive. I’ve read through so many previous posts about symptoms during the TWW (don’t we all, even if we know they’re terrible for our mental health lol) and I saw a lot of women mentioning twinges and cramps around the uterine area. Jun 8, 2020 at 3:47 PM. I'm still cramping like crazy at 6dp5dt. May 14, 2022 · Hi Gals, I am 4dp5dt after 5day hatching blast transfer. Any thoughts peeps or I am just over feeling things? Oct 10, 2020 · Im 6dpo and feel like im on my period. i dont temp, so can go from that. Annoyingly once testing the uncertainty doesn’t seem to end: you either get a negative and question everything even though you know you shouldn’t have tested OR you get a positive and then panic about how dark the line is or isn’t day to day. The 2ww is pure torture. The aches etc you are feeling, could just be down to your womb settling down after manipulation during transfer. First two days after transfer didnt feel much except for a few twinges. I had a grade AA blastcyst transferred 6 days ago. Feel like AF is coming. Also are these tests reliable. I haven’t had any of the pinching, pulling, or tingling sensations that folks describe with implantation. Yes. I'm starting to feel crampy as if af coming. My bbs have been killing me for 2 days and have some blue veins Oct 19, 2015 · Melzymomma. Aug 12, 2015 · That's how I'm feeling today. Waited until 6dp5dt with fmu and got my BFP. Try and hang in there. Jun 25, 2017 · CountryCat 7 years ago. Jul 6, 2011 · Could this be a good thing? :flower: My tummy feels really heavy, its not crampy as such, but its that dull achy heaviness that happens before AF! :flower: Broke down and took a test with FMU this morning on 4dp5dt. nr03 •. That happened 2 times then I went to bed. I too always get really bad sheet soaking night sweats prior to AF. Hi Sarahsazzal. Has anyone been having period like cramps after their BFP. I have no idea how to feel as never actually been pregnant before (I’m 40, this is 4th and last transfer) Turns out I just had a late implanter and went on to have a successful pregnancy. I got a positive on 4dpt, but it was really faint and i had a feeling I implanted early. I had them before my bfp and was sure I was out. Had what I hoped was implantation bleeding on Saturday, just a little pink cm and then nothing else but today I'm cramping and all gurgly tonight so I'm thinking this must be af. ajsmw. Claire2009 · 05/07/2009 22:01. So after having pulling tugging cramping feelings and the odd "bubble popping sensation" in my uterus over the past few days, today I have some pinkish/brownish spotting. Only at 7dp5dt was it a clear positive. We cried together when she felt her first symptoms at 10 days. I had cramping around 3 or 4dp5dt and it ended up being implantation cramping, got a positive 11dp5dt. Dec 22, 2012. However this morning it feels like it's on one side which has me worried it could be ectopic has anyone had cramping on one side and it all turned out well? Feb 5, 2018 · Without the pinching sensations and no BFP on my HPT, I’m starting to feel like this FET is not going to work out. it has subsided after a couple hours to a flutter, but it's still there. had my FET on… Feb 7, 2011. That’s it. amy85.  Have been trying to stay positive but as some of you know, that's not the easiest thing to do. It feels like AF will come any minute but I know it's not due until at least Saturday. delete2. It definitely feels like af is due any minute the first few weeks. Formication is also a type of paresthesia which is defined as tingling dermal sensations. I’ve been feeling wet down there (sorry tmi!) and lots of pressure below, like just before it starts. My RE told me I couldn’t get my period when on the meds, so that is how I knew I was pregnant (friends and family had always told me that it felt like AF was coming, but never would). s. I’m not testing this morning. I’m 9dp5dt/4 weeks pregnant. Aug 28, 2015 · I'm getting really sad because I feel like if it would've worked, I would've seen a BFP by now. Even if your test was positive, hcg wont be high enough until after the beta to cause symptoms so even if you felt something it would be med related. Is this normal? Mar 27, 2012 · Hi ladies, Sorry for the premature posting, my fingers got a bit giddy and pressed send before I'd even posted!!! Well as the title ays I'm 8dp5dt and I feel like AF is around the corner, I've had AF cramps/feelings since Sunday, I have totally lost my PMA and test day isn't until Monday!!! Oct 14, 2017 · So tired, light headache, mild cramps. Aug 2, 2020 · Aug 2, 2020 at 4:25 PM. 5 years ago • 12 Replies. Each cycle close to AF I always feel this way. 4. I am crampy and bloated, really feel like AF is coming? Is this normal?? We've been trying over 2years and I'm so scared it will be a chemical : ( my only other symptons are extremely tender nipples which is unusual for Oct 21, 2017 · Pregnancy Week 40. Today is CD30 and woke up with still a bit of a headache and mild AF like cramping which has kind of consistently indicated AF is coming later today or next morning. I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and experienced period like cramps (the strong ones when you’re just about to get your period, or comparable to the 1st or 2nd day period cramping). 17 and been testing every day since and my line hasnt got darker. Beta is Monday and I'm feeling like this cycle failed. AF is due tomorrow and so far I have no symptoms. Today is my first beta, so I’ll see exactly where I’m at. Oct 6, 2010 · Oct 6, 2010. I've been getting really strong positives, and yet today and yesterday I feel like I'm getting my period. Oct 26, 2010 · Today i wake up and feel like AF is coming, but shes not due for another week (i have a longer LP, like 18 days usually). Then I went out of tea and at around 6-7pm I started with AF pains and just knew I had started bleeding. Its crap cos the symptoms are so similar for both things. Today is 4dp5dt Dec 1, 2015 · Hi Amy, I'm 8dp5dt and I have lower back ache, cramps in my abdomen and ridiculously sore boobs! I'd say it's a fairly normal thing though like you, it does feel like AF is threatening and only the pessaries are keeping it away. And also the teeniest bit scared it’s twins but after a BFN last cycle, I will so SO take this and keep my hopes alive. Congratulations on your BFP! I had just the same thing, and before I got my BFP I was convinced it wasn't my month and felt like AF was coming. You could have implanted a day or two later than your last pregnancy. My best friend was just like you after her last FET. Now I'm feeling AF cramps with some lower back soreness. I had some cramps for about a half an hour to an hour at 7 dpo, then didn't have any cramps at all until 13 dpo, after I got my BFP at 12 dpo. D. May 29, 2022 · BubbleM3 · 29/05/2022 19:53. CD 26 today and my cycles are normally 29 days. Should Hi ladies So as the title says I'm 4dp5dt and feel like af is about to start. Don’t afraid, it is normal. I go in the morning for my beta, but keep having period like cramps and just scaring myself. #1. Yeeesh! Nov 6, 2016 · 6dp5dt am I out? Pinkish cm/ browny spotting. Jul 28, 2018 · Hey everyone, I got my bfp yesterday with SMU, and again today with FMU. Apr 17, 2023 · Hi guys,4dp5dt FET. This was a frozen transfer. 3dp5dt I wiped and there was little spots of blood. My cycle is so screwed up that she is sending me to gyn, but appt is a long way off. Posted 07-17-19. Jan 18, 2024 · Are you experiencing something crawling on your head or a tingling sensation in the scalp? The medical term for this condition is called formication and it is quite common. I normally don’t get this until the day of AF. Waiting for AF to come every second, but trying to stay positive. Reaction score. You might feel a light twinge or prickling, or the pain may feel dull and achy. Nov 2, 2017 · I'm 13dpo and and have had AF like cramps all day,along with lower back pain. Medically reviewed by Shannon Smith, M. Bleeding starting again, very light more pink than brown. Doesn’t make what’s happening right now any easier though. I feel like af will be coming way too early again. The only thing weird for me has been my very positive attitude and outlook coming into today. Hi ladies! I know I am crazy for testing this early but I had a positive this early with my last baby! I tested this morning with first response and it was negative. This morning when I woke up, it was kind of a general ache in the whole lower, center area. Our first failed transfer was fresh. Feb 5, 2013 · a. Mar 16, 2012 · The blob thing never happened to me. Only difference today is my back feels like I got hit by a car. I know so many people post how they had so many symptoms early on, but honestly, true pregnancy symptoms really only start around 6 weeks. ttclilu. I transferred two blasts. 12 dpo now and all day I've felt like AF is coming any second! She's due on the 9th. I tested yesterday and the line was a little darker. I'm hoping this is a good sign and not AF. 0. This is my first round of IVF and I am in the 2WW Period. Can't really describe it. Mild cramping is totally normal! Prolonged pain or extreme pain is not, but if it comes and goes and you can cope with it, everything is likely A-OK. Feb 14, 2020 · DianeArnold Partner Nurse Fertility Network UK 4 years ago. I had one failed cycle last month (same donor). A couple days ago, I started feeling this pinching sensation in my pelvic area, left center-ish that gets stronger each day. And I'm getting bfns. My feelings are that a nice walk would be fine, but no running. had my FET… Jan 1, 2024 · Negative today. I woke up the next morning, 13dpo, and I took a test because AF had not shown, and there was a faint BFP on a FRER They have been getting darker ever since! Morning Ladies, This morning I have intense cramp on my tummy feel like AF is coming. However I am getting this low achy uterus feeling like af is coming? Had what I consider implant spotting early last week that lasted 3 days. Suspicious-Ad-5662. So of course my mind goes to the negative and just thinks right that's it AF is coming! I think living far from pharmacies is probably a bonus because you can't just pop in when the temptation hits you. Nov 28, 2021 · I’m 3dp5dt on transfer #4. Hi all. Have a slight h eadache and heart burn and lower abdomen been in dull pain since 1dpo. AF type cramping has lightened and is only there slightly. It's not quite cramps and it's not very consistent in what it feels like. I'm 11DPO today. I got a BFP yesterday, but I've had cramping and that "feeling" (I don't k ow how else to explain it) that my period is coming. Did anybody feel like Jul 3, 2017 · Having said that i always spot before a period too so when i have been pregnant kind of guessed because this didnt happen. Babyl0ve2017. This weird sort of crampy fullish feeling in my lower tummy. 5 days past transfer I started to feel like AF was coming. May 29, 2017 · With Memorial Day weekend my first Beta had to be pushed two days. a. I found the 2nd week of my last 2ww the hardest but this time I'm struggling already to be positive. Ugh I wish this FET would've worked and been as fast as my Hi ladies So as the title says I'm 4dp5dt and feel like af is about to start. Nov 2, 2020 · I’ve got the same feelings too, the cramping sensation is odd to say the least and my fatigue has really kicked in, I’m hoping it’s a positive sign too but also aware that the pessaries can cause this, although I’d been taking the pessaries a week before transfer But they didn’t cause this feeling xxx I describe it like a dragging feeling right the way across my lower abdomen 🤞 . Hi everyone, My first time posting here after spending the last few weeks following some of your IVF/ICSI journeys which I’ve found really helpful during what feels such a lonely time! I’m 29 and we have male factor infertility. 8. At this point I honestly just feel like it didn’t work and I’m already guarding my heart. Aug 16, 2019 · b. Mar 4, 2014 · Mar 4, 2014 at 5:52 AM. 5dp5dt - BFN. So I feel like she's on her way. My clinic doesn’t do betas, so I have to do an FRER 14dp5dt. Did any of you ladies have typical AF symptoms during your TWW and still end up with a BFP? I am 6 dpo today and starting to feel what I normally feel the week before AF. de 11dp5dt cramps Aug 29, 2019 · Woke up this morning feeling like I do before AF arrives, very ‘wet’ down there but it’s just discharge, spots, really tired. Mar 4, 2014 · I tested at 11 or 12 dpo and got a BFN, I cried to my husband that I was cramping and that AF was on the way ( when my cramps start AF will show up very soon). Anyone else have an experience like Advertisement May 1, 2009 · But other than that - not looking at a chart, just feeling - even after my positive, there were things that felt just like AF - bloating, heaviness and an excess of cm that felt like the beginning. At 6dp5dt I had a vvvfl and my SO said I have “line eyes”. Stay positive! You can’t read into much because of all the hormones they put us on. Don't give up yet! Nov 15, 2015 · Nov 15, 2015 at 8:10 AM. also, food aversion to some of my favorites on 8 dpo (i never turn down bbq chicken May 14, 2015 · 5dp5dt BFN, give me hope! Hi! As the topic description states, today I'm 5dp5dt and this morning with FMU I had a stark white bfn on a FRER and Walmart cheapie. Mar 4, 2018 · Then pretty much since 2dp5dt the period type cramps have continued. I'm now just coming up to 8 weeks and so far so good. I attached a picture. I feel like I am losing my mind because it feels way too early to have gotten a positive. I've felt kind of bloated as well and "wet" like im slready bleedkng. I had a MMC in November that resulted in a D&C and I’m really hoping for my rainbow baby. In that sense, it felt very much like AF. I know 4dpo is entirely too early to have any signs of pregnancy but this whole sensation is super new to me. Causes of crawling sensations on the scalp include delusional infestations, hallucination, substance abuse, a parasitic infestation Testing 4DP5DT. Yes, I have never felt so just-before-a-period as I did when newly pregnant. I just did my FET on March 2. Also, make sure you’re using a really sensitive test. This is a donor FET cycle. I have a sense that AF is coming sometimes this weekend. We only transferred 1 embryo. My positive outlook is quickly diminishing! My beta is 9dp. I’m thrilled. Oct 28, 2021 · An occasional cramp here and there that feels like AF is coming but I try not to read into it too much because I'm also on Progesterone shots and those make me a little crampy. Written by Karen Miles | Jul 14, 2023. Cramping, bloating, fatigue, moody. I just checked my cervix and it is still high and closed but feels a little softer, and there are traces of pale blood. had my FET on… Help!! - Glow Community. But if anything take it as a good sign because you’re likely still a week or two out from when AF would come. Getting period like cramps. Jul 17, 2011 at 12:43 PM. I had mild cramps from 4dpt. Mar 1, 2019 · This line is plain as day. 6DP5DT Jan 18, 2020 · Hey ttcbabymcg, the 2ww is so tough and it’s completely normal to want to test, even if you know it’s too early you still hope. The internet can make you feel like a positive at 4dpt is the norm but it’s not. I’m also 4dp5dt and feel nothing apart from the progesterone symptoms (fatigue and sore breasts). jy kf xk wy wd av mh by rv cy