Awaiting reviewer assignment manuscript central. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’.

  • Awaiting reviewer assignment manuscript central. These status should not be taken seriously.
    8. Since there is no way to know specifics, in general, and AE can do one of the following depending on how the recommendation task is set up: Make a recommendation. At the third day, I saw Awaiting EE Decision which is still there. Sep 11, 2017 · I submitted my revised manuscript to a mathematical journal since 12-04-2017. The review is then submitted to the journal, with the reviewer’s recommendation (e. Please make sure your final package is correct and complete upon submission. Oct 6, 2021 · Answer: This means that the manuscript has been sent for peer review and the peer review has likely been completed, and now the journal is awaiting the final scores from the reviewer/s. It means nothing. " Related reading: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? Since then it has been 4 months and the paper is still 'awaiting reviewer invitation'. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. Authors can access the status of their manuscripts as they pass through the review process using the button below. This means that while the manuscript cleared the desk screening and was deemed good to go for peer review, the journal is finding it somewhat challenging to identify the right peer reviewers for your paper. The paper status is still "awaiting reviewer assignment". g. It it is desk reject, then reviewer means the editor herself. to revise, accept or reject the paper). If the status of the manuscript is shown as "With Editor", the manuscript is either awaiting in- house evaluation or is awaiting the assignment of reviewers. Your manuscript has cleared desk screening Oct 31, 2017 · The status of my submission changed from Admin: Not Assigned to EA: [name] plus Awaiting ED assignment plus Awaiting CE decision at Scholarone manuscripts. The OA option, if selected, enables unrestricted public access to the article via IEEE Xplore. The status will change to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" then probably go through a couple more cycles of "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. I just submitted my first paper to a peer-reviewed journal. Awaiting Reviewer “Awaiting Referee Scores” is a stage in the publication process where enough experts have agreed to read and evaluate a manuscript. Feb 27, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Scores means that your paper is being peer reviewed. 7 INTRODUCTION As a Reviewer of a manuscript, your input is a crucial part of the peer review process. Do not send the manuscript to the Editorial Office or EiC. Authors have four weeks to review and return their manuscript following reviewer and associate editor comments. The amount of time a manuscript is in review depends on reviewer availability. Choose “Manuscripts with Decisions” and then click on “create a revision”. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. Manuscript Submission Guidelines & Editorial Policies Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. Eventually, an editor will make a decision and you will get your paper back with comments from peer reviewers. This change has occurred Sep 17, 2019 · You will see little messages like ‘awaiting editorial approval’, ‘awaiting reviewer scores’, ‘awaiting editorial board comments’ and ‘decision pending’ as your article wends its way through this process. This has happened several times. Otherwise, they will read the paper several more times, taking notes to build a detailed point-by-point review. Sep 12, 2022 · Does it happen that the editor asks the reviewers to re-review a paper? For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. There is no need for anonymising the manuscript upon Jul 4, 2020 · I submitted my manuscript five weeks ago, and in a week, the status appeared as 'Awaiting Reviewer Selection. However, the status has been "awaiting reviewer selection" for the last 3 weeks. Papers should be submitted in electronic form via the ReView manuscript submission page. Potential reviewers will be provided the abstract and the names of the authors when they are invited as potential reviewers. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. As described in the peer review and decision process, after the admin checklist or AE assignment stage, a manuscript may be forwarded to the EiC to determine if peer review is necessary. Any thoughts? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Also, one reviewer may send their comments on time or earlier, and the other(s) may take a while to get back. The article is quite technical and multidisciplinary, so I understand that finding reviewers is hard. I don't know what this means and why it is taking so long. Sep 20, 2017 · I submitted my revised manuscript to a mathematical journal since 12-04-2017. This change has occurred Jan 21, 2020 · Awaiting Editor Assignment: While this typically means that the manuscript is awaiting assignment to an AE, in this case, it probably means it is awaiting assignment to a peer reviewer. You invite peer reviewers within 2 working days if an out-to-review decision is made. ScholarOne Manuscripts: 管理者ダッシュボード(査読プロセスのステータス) Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. Sending papers out for review. That does not necessarily mean your paper is actually waiting on reviewers to be chosen. Scenario 2: awaiting reviewer selection>> under review If this was the way the status had changed The final version of your manuscript must comply with IEEE Periodicals requirements for text and graphics processing. 请问在scholane投稿里是不是没有under review的状态?. The status “'Awaiting AE evaluation'” means that that the peer review has been completed and now the Assigned Editor (AE) will consider the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision. 40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. My manuscript had earlier gone through English proofreading by a professional vendor. Although in my earlier submission of other papers in the same journal, in this time frame, my paper went into review process. A: It is TMI’s policy to only consider manuscripts submitted via ScholarOne Manuscripts. I resubmitted a major revision approximately a month ago to a social science journal. After the manuscript has been submitted you will see a confirmation screen and receive an email confirmation stating that your manuscript has been successfully submitted. The status is still "awaiting assignment" and I checked the online system which shows that even no editor has been assigned to my paper. Download . It’s more common to have a challenge finding peer reviewers, unless with this journal or for this paper, the review is to be done internally. Do not email to ask about Aug 4, 2021 · After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Awaiting reviewers decision 5. In case the recommendation is to reject the paper, formulate a suitable message for the authors explaining the Editorial decision. . 6 years ago # QUOTE 4 GOOD 1 NO GOOD ! Editor-in-Chief has requested original reviewers to re review revised manuscript and authors responses. Stage 2: Editor assigned. Authors must upload suitable source files when submitting. IEEE Communications Letters follows a regular and a double-anonymous review process. This will also give the assigned manuscript number, which is used in all correspondence during peer review. Manuscripts should be ready for publication as submitted. xml Templates At certain times of the year, authors should be aware that review processes tend to be slower. BMJ mainly operates the following types of peer review: Open peer review: Reviewer and author are known to each other. Make a decision. Aug 15, 2015 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. Evaluation requests sent to reviewers Traditional manuscript submission; Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission at the rate of US$2,495 per article, as of 1 January 2024. At least two of the common review systems show "awaiting reviewer selection" if there is ANY reviewer invitation outstanding. R2. For example, a review process that takes place during December or January may take longer due to end-of-semester responsibilities. Jan 21, 2019 · Clarivate Analytics | ScholarOne Manuscripts™ Reviewer User Guide Page 1 Effective Date: 21-January-2019 Document Version: 2. This change has occurred Feb 28, 2021 · My paper underwent a revision. ’ Please help me understand these status changes. 5. What does this mean? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. On the second day after submission the status changed from "awaiting ADM processing" to "awaiting AE assignment". THE REVIEW PROCESS Jul 19, 2018 · My paper was submitted to a ScholarOne journal and the submission status changed in the following way: "Awaiting review assignment" for 2 weeks, "Awaiting AE recommendation" for 1 week, and now it is "Awaiting SE decision. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can remember, these were Awaiting ADM Processing and Awaiting technical editor selection. What does it mean? Have the reviewers started working Aug 16, 2024 · Awaiting Reviewer Selection: The editor is trying to find suitable reviewers for your revised manuscript. However, till today I haven't received any email. For further insights, you may go through this related query by another researcher: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? So, great. Aug 3, 2021 · I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. Nov 2, 2020 · Status stuck at Awaiting Editor Assignment. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. Each revision has the opportunity for another round of review—the manuscript status “awaiting reviewer selection” is automatic and does not indicate a re-submission. Jan 21, 2019 · Clarivate Analytics | ScholarOne Manuscripts™ | Editor User Guide Page 1 Effective Date: 21-Jan-2019 Document Version: 3. Instructions for Authors. Then after a week or so, it changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Score(s)" and same day it changed back to "Under Review". But today suddenly the status changed back to My paper has been submitted for more than 15 months in one of the IEEE transactions. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" What do you think that means? Apr 24, 2020 · So, we have made some edits/assumptions. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. These stages tend to be moved through fairly swiftly as they are just the editorial team checking that your submission is suitable for Aug 26, 2020 · Hi. 「Awaiting AE Assignment - 編集委員の選任」や「Awaiting Reviewer Selection (査読者の選出)」など、査読プロセスにある論文のステータスは以下の方法でご変更いただけます。 Manuscript Files のタブにアクセス We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, Submitting Your Manuscript Manuscripts should be submitted online at the ScholarOne Manuscripts site for Management Science. ' It has been a month now, but the status has not changed. On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again. After a couple of days, the status changed from "Awaiting AE assignment" to "Under Review". Feb 15, 2023 · Since then, the article has been jumping between "Waiting for Reviewer Assignment" and "Contacting Potential Reviewers" (10 changes of status now). Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) The initial selection of referees is usually comprised in the previous step. The full manuscript will be accessible after the review assignment is accepted. " Aug 15, 2015 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. Today the status again changed to "Awaiting Assignment to Batch". Once the review invitations are sent, the status changes to "Reviewers invited. Evaluation requests sent to reviewers 3. This is also the time for the “desk review by the editor,” though, and so it probably took 2 weeks for the editor to decide to decline it. May 11, 2021 · I submitted my manuscript to Management Science. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Aug 7, 2024 · Peer review is an honorary service that requires detailed scrutiny and evaluation of the manuscript and therefore takes time. Once your manuscript passes the initial quality check, we assign it to a member of Editorial Board, who is an active researcher in your field. R1. Nov 22, 2021 · Answer: Thank you for your question. So, please give me advice. It often means we asked 6 people, 3 agreed, 2 said no, and 1 never responded to the request. When you have submitted your paper or case study, up to three experts in the field will review it to provide validation, quality control and added value to you in the form of constructive feedback. As you may know, peer review can take a while, as peer reviewers do this along with their other work. If the Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). IEEE Communications Letters Follows both a Regular and a Double Anonymous Review Process. Should I Mar 9, 2022 · Answer: Dear author, The editorial hierarchy varies from journal to journal. The status of the paper changed several times. But today suddenly the status changed back to Apr 21, 2020 · Answer: You have three queries. The graphic below shows how a typical manuscript goes through the Editorial Manager system, along with some of the terms used to describe the manuscript’s status. Dec 28, 2020 · My paper was accepted a week ago, at that time the status in the ScholarOne manuscript center changed from "accept" to "awaiting production checklist". Clicking on this link Understand the journal and case study peer review process and read our tips for revising your submission. Please submit all final files through the “awaiting final files” queue in your author center on Manuscript Central. The revision must be submitted within 4 weeks from the decision date. Awaiting Editor Decision. Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. (The journal I submitted to allows it to be reprinted by Oct 8, 2015 · AE stands for Associate Editor. 4cx: Peer Reviewer(s) second round completed: Revised manuscript and second round reviewer comments sent to Editor-in-Chief for final decision. If the manuscript ID of the previous submission is TMI-2019-yyyy, the revision ID will be TMI-2019-yyyy. Yesterday (6 days after submission) it changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". The manuscript awaiting the assignment of an editor for more than two-and-half months is both a bit long and unusual. Should I be worried? Is there anything I can do to accelerate this process? The problem is, I am planning to submit an adapted version of the manuscript as a book chapter. On Jun 19, the status of the manuscript changed to 'awaiting reviewer assignment', and it is now 'awaiting reviewer scores'. Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. The Journal of Management (JOM) publishes scholarly empirical, theoretical, and review articles dealing with management Thank you for agreeing to review manuscripts for the IEEE Sensors Letters. After the Editor in Chief assigns the manuscript to an editor, the next task is “waiting for reviewer assignment” by that assigned editor. This status is rather uncommon. Feb 26, 2021 · For most manuscripts, in the first round of review, usually two peer reviewers are selected. R1 will be TMI-2019-yyyy. Revise and resubmit: The paper has been through the peer review We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. However, today, it changed back to Awaiting Referee Scores. Dec 8, 2021 · It should have gone to arbitration. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’. Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. (‘Referee’ is another term for ‘peer reviewer. Any queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Cynthia Devers: [email protected] Overview of Review Process. But today suddenly the status changed back to Return a recommendation to the in-house editor within 5 working days of manuscript assignment. Sep 15, 2021 · After 3 months with an "Awaiting Referee Report" status in a ScholarOne Manuscripts journal, the new status changed to "Awaiting AE decision" and in the same day back to "Awaiting Referee Report". For instance, it’s not clear if the initial status was ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ or whether there was some other status prior to that. The major revisions have been under review for about 3 weeks, and then it took an additional 2 weeks for the decision to be made. Sep 20, 2020 · I have submitted a manuscript to a pediatrics-related journal. This change has occurred After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. - Accept/Decline Associate Editor Assignment - Awaiting Referee Assignment - Contact Potential Referee - Under Review - Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation - All Pending Manuscripts - Waiting for Revision When there is a pending action item, you will see a red arrow next to a manuscript link. I sent two emails about updating the status of the paper to editor and Editor-in-Chief several days ago and I got no reply from them. Sep 30, 2019 · Here is a short video on manuscript status in Editorial Manager, and some additional articles on the manuscript submission process. The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now. Oct 12, 2020 · The second update, Awaiting Referee Selection, means that the manuscript has completed the internal check and is now awaiting peer review. IMPORTANT NOTE: By submitting a manuscript to or reviewing for this publication, your name, email address, and affiliation, and other contact details the publication might require, will be used for the regular operations of the publication, including, when necessary Nov 30, 2020 · The manuscript being stuck at Awaiting Reviewer Assignment for a month is not uncommon. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. However, if the status is “Awaiting reader selection,” it would mean something completely different. Just give it some time; either you will get a decision or it will go for the review process. Manuscript accepted for processing 2. Nov 19, 2020 · After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. What the "awaiting reviewer scores" most plausibly means here is that the reviews are now due! 4 weeks is also the time I'd expect the AE to allot for the reviewers (from past experience), and so the timing is right for the status to change from "Under review" to "Awaiting reviewer scores" - so it just means some reviewers haven't yet submitted Dec 19, 2019 · I submitted a short paper to a math journal more that one month ago. Feb 17, 2021 · In journals that use Manuscript central, there are a few possibilities. Per your agreement with the Associate Editor, you should complete the review within 10 days. Apr 1, 2016 · I was following the progress of handling my manuscript depending on the status revealed by the journal's website within my account. Nov 16, 2015 · Scenario 1: with editor/under editor evaluation >> awaiting reviewer selection >> under review If this is how the status had changed the first time you submitted the paper, then chances are that your paper is actually being sent for a re-review. Types of peer review. Aug 5, 2014 · The short answer to your lead-off question is, I think, no. The day after the submission though, the two statuses of ‘Awaiting Final Decision’ and ‘Awaiting Reviewer Decision’ were displayed together. Mar 28, 2020 · My manuscript status changed from ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores’ to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation,’ but the same day, it went back to ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". (Accept, reject, more reviews needed). These journals publish the reviewer comments and previous versions of the manuscript alongside the accepted paper. 2022/10/13 submit, Awaiting AE Assignment 2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2022/11/4 Status: Under review 2023/2/12 Status: Major Revision 2023/3/27 Major revision submission, Status: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation 2023/3/19 Status: Under review 2023/5/26 Status: Accept The review process took a long time, a total of 225 days, but Jul 31, 2021 · Hello, I submitted my paper to one of the high impact factor journals month ago. Journal Evaluates the Reviews. " Required Reviews Complete Nov 19, 2020 · I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. When you have finished reviewing this information press 'Submit'. Nov 20, 2023 · We oversee this process to ensure that your manuscript contains everything our editors and peer reviewers need to perform a fair and thorough assessment of your work. I have contacted the editor in chief (EiC) a few times regarding this. Nov 5, 2019 · However, finally he/she seems to have found the requisite number of reviewers and sent out review invitations to them. Editor here. Let’s take them one by one. Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’ This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study. The manuscript ID for revision of TMI-2019-yyyy. So, one can’t really put a timeline to it. This journal uses Manuscript Central to process submissions. This guide is intended to give an overview of the Reviewer function in ScholarOne Manuscripts. See above for more details. The handling editor considers all the returned reviews before making a My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. " Required Reviews Complete Jul 24, 2020 · My manuscript submission status in ManuscriptCentral changed from ‘Awaiting Referee Assignment’ to ‘Under Review’ after 15 days of submission. I am afraid that after this long period, the editor will reject the manuscript. Once initial check up is done on your manuscript, the EIC will screen your manuscript to check if it fits the scope of the journal and if it is of sufficient interest to the journal's readership. Jan 31, 2024 · Oct 20, 2023 · ScholarOne投稿Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. Feb 14, 2023 · After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". The ‘Completed’ field indicates that the ‘Thank you for submitting your review’ e-mail should send when the reviewer has returned their review, therefore completed the Reviewer Score task. Do your own check for novelty. Aug 30, 2020 · Answer: The status ‘Awaiting Referee Selection’ typically means that the manuscript is awaiting peer review. The first process ( Awaiting Reviewer Invitation ) means May 25, 2020 · To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. But today suddenly the status changed back to ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ again. Last week, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I find "awaiting reviewer invitation" to be a slightly strange phrase, but taken at face value it seems to mean that they still have not even asked anyone to referee the paper, let alone found a referee, let alone gotten the report back from a referee! When you have submitted your manuscript successfully the next step is peer review. But after three days of this change, suddenly, the status changed back to ‘Awaiting Referee Assignment. Authors should complete all relevant fields in the manuscript upload page. The Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (JCBFM) features international peer-reviewed contributions highlighting experimental, theoretical, and clinical aspects of brain circulation, imaging and metabolism. I am curious as to why the status of the manuscript regularly changes between 'awaiting reviewer selection' and 'awaiting reviewer assignment'. They also said I would receive an email regarding the proof check. This means the initial check on the manuscript is complete, which means that the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and/or the Associate Editor (AE) believe/s the manuscript fulfills basic journal criteria such as novelty of the research, quality of the writing, match with the journal’s scope Dec 7, 2021 · Meaning of the "awaiting reviewer assignment" in journal status. Initially your manuscript will go through stages such as “Awaiting Admin Checklist” and/or “Awaiting Editor Assignment” depending on how new submissions are initially checked on the journal. " It's a s**t show. Reject without review: The Action Editor has rejected the paper without sending it for peer review. 4d: Awaiting author/peer reviewer confirmation: Query regarding revised manuscript, which has been Reviewer Assignment:The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised manuscript We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The two statuses shown are the two possible outcomes of this stage: if your paper clears the initial screening, it will be sent out for peer review, but if it doesn't clear, it will be sent to the EiC for desk rejection. The status is "Waiting for reviewer assignment" since 24-4-2017. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. But today suddenly the status changed back to Mar 13, 2022 · If the editorial management system (EMS) is distinguishing between the two, odds are "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" means the reviewers have not been invited yet, and "Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation" means the reviewers have not agreed to review the manuscript yet. Can someone please let me know what they actually mean? Thank you very much in advance! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Today, it changed to the "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" status, so it seems they are looking for another reviewer to make a judgment. However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. Visit the information for authors page and download the instructions document and the manuscript template. It means that the AE has performed their initial check (as described in the previous point) and is looking for suitable peer reviewers. These status should not be taken seriously. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Peer review is an honorary service that requires detailed scrutiny and evaluation of the manuscript and therefore takes time. Eic usually signifies the Editor in chief. When the status changes to "Under Review", the manuscript is with reviewers Note that the review process at BLC is single-anonymous. Nov 23, 2017 · About two days later, I got an email back from the managing editor, which said the Associate Editor had been unresponsive and another Associate Editor had to be assigned to process the manuscript. The OA option will be offered to the author at the time the manuscript is submitted. Jul 23, 2021 · After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. Did the AE send the paper to more referees? Or/and he/she will also make a review for the paper? Or it is something else? Feb 18, 2022 · First Steps. (some journals allow this at this point in the workflow) Manuscripts needs to be submitted through the Communications Letters Manuscript Central Web Site. As per my understanding, the status should be Awaiting EIC Decision. Please note that other statuses may fall under this umbrella, such as "Awaiting Reviewer Scores. ’ The following day, it changed back again to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation. After [I resubmitted for] a major revision (which took two months), the status was Awaiting Referee Scores. Reject: The paper has been through the peer review process and the Action Editor has decided that it is not suitable for publication. Further, they sometimes are not correctly attached by Manuscript central. According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. The EiC at that time said they'll look My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. If it is not a desk reject, then it will surely go to the external peer-reviewers for review. 1 INTRODUCTION We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment means the journal editor has started reaching out to potential reviewers for your manuscript. Note that pdf files often have tags that identify who/what created them that can be uncovered by mischievous authors. Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central). ’) So, great, that’s one step cleared in the submission/publication process! Dec 12, 2019 · I submitted my manuscript to a journal. ’ It's been one month since this change happened and there is no update. You must complete your review online using the features of an electronic manuscript management system “ScholarOne Manuscripts™” (S1M) which has individual pages for each IEEE journal. Nov 1, 2019 · Answer: I think this means that your paper is currently undergoing the initial editorial screening. My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. Review is pending 4. Are you sure the status is “Awaiting reader selection” and not “Awaiting reviewer selection”? If it’s the latter, you can rest assured that your paper has cleared the initial editorial screening. The first time I contacted was when a whole year was passed without even a single response. Your review should be cut and pasted into the provided web review form. If appropriate, the AE may assign himself/herself as a reviewer, but self-assignment should not be a routine procedure. The status history showed the following: 1. bsyo tctoozv mdnsc xtcgn pyqeys wqrivln pglyw ekdzhg wnzve udng